Calvary VBS 2021 is ...
June 13th-18th, 6:00 pm till 8:00 pm
Theme Verse:
You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.
Jeremiah 29:13 ESV
Jeremiah 29:13 ESV
Seek truth find Jesus!
Christ Connection:
The foundation of the gospel is faith. Jesus lived a perfect life and died the death we deserve. By grace, God saves everyone who trusts in Jesus as Savior and Lord.
Click link below for participant registration and volunteer registration.
VBX June 20-23, 2021
This is for all middle and high school students in Roanoke Valley. Pack your bags and grab your gear, VBX 2021 is headed to present-day Israel! We will explore where Jesus walked and examine artifacts that bring the Bible to life. We will discover who Jesus is and why He came. Along the way, we will unearth the truth of Jeremiah 29:13- that God reveals Himself to us when we seek and search for Him with all our hearts.