Calvary Kids

Lunch Bucket Buddie

To be entered for our Lunch Bucket Buddie drawing on Family Sundays, your child must complete the sermon notes worksheet located in the bulletin. Family Sunday's are the first Sunday of each month. There will be two buckets located at both entrances to our Sanctuary for the completed sermon notes worksheets to go in.
If the worksheet is not completed correctly it will not be entered.
The person's name that is drawn (that Sunday night) will be contacted. The child and his/her friend of choice will go out to eat with Mrs. Sarah!
This is free for both the child and his/her friend.

March's Lunch Bucket Buddie!

Children's Ministry Team

Click the button below to learn more about our team and all the ministries that are available for children Birth to 5th Grade at Calvary Baptist Church.
Pictured left to right: Jamie Marshall, Lisa Martin, Jennifer Clemmons, Sarah Taylor and Mindy Ferguson.

Children's Ministries

 All kids  birth through fifth grade are welcome! Come  hear the gospel and learn from the Word of God with other children. We understand that every child is different and that they learn and mature at their own pace. We provide an atmosphere where we partner with the parent/guardian so that every child can learn and grow in the Word of God, right where they are. 

Sunday mornings:

Nursery: During 8:30 am service ages 0-3
Nursery: During the 11:00 am service ages 0-1 years old

Sunday school: 9:45 am
Preschool Church: During the 11:00 am service for ages 2-5
Children's Church: Sunday morning  during the 11:00 am service in our Social Room.
( first Sunday of the month is family Sunday, No children's church on that Sunday)
Kids Corner and Lunch Bucket Buddie: 1st Sunday of each month during both morning services in the sanctuary.

Sunday Evenings:

PreK and Kids FOCUS: Starts September 8th from 5:30PM to 7PM

Toddlers @ Play:

Caution Toddlers @ Play: 10:30 am- 11:30 am in the gym every Tuesday morning.
Calvary Kid's Sponsored Child

Meet our Sponsored Child

The Children's Ministry sponsored child, Fastine, enjoys hearing from us! Let him know that you are thinking about him by writing him a letter. Bring the letter to Mrs. Sarah's office and she will make sure he gets it.

Fall Festival 2023

Calvary Kids Sing King of me by rend co.

The children have been practicing for some time over the summer. We hope you enjoy this catchy tune! God is the King of Me!
Summer EXPLOSION 2023

Defined: Who God Says You Are

When we believe in Jesus, the Holy Spirit naturally begins to grow the attributes of HIS fruit in our lives. Jesus taught that you can tell who is a true follower of Him based on what your lives look like.

VBS 2023

VBS is hard work .. it takes lots of planning and preparation, months to be exact. It takes lots of time decorating and changing class rooms around to accommodate the many children you anticipate attending. It takes lots of time recruiting volunteers then following up in meetings to ensure everyone is comfortable in their role and everyone has the needed resources to show Jesus to each young heart that walks through the doors. Most importantly it takes a lot of prayer. We get tired and sometimes we feel defeated. But when VBS concludes and you look at a sanctuary full of families that are committed to bringing their children faithfully to VBS each night and entrusted your church to teach their children about Jesus, you realize the fruit of the labor .. you realize that following Jesus definitely changes everything!

Camp Willow Springs 2023

Click the image and watch a video of our time at camp!

UPWARD Basketball

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